3 Books I’m Reading Now

3 business books to read right now

It’s Spring!  It’s that time of year that I get out and start prepping my garden for all my spring flowers. I plan my flower layout. I’ve repainted my mailbox which inevitably leads to me thinking about all the other things in my life that need sprucing up. That list is entirely too long and off-topic for this venue so I’ll stick with asking myself - what can I spring clean in my business and what can I learn so I can move forward confidently this year?  There are so many good webinars and zoom meetings out there but sometimes I just like to read.

So what’s on my spring reading list?  I’m glad you asked!

Numbers Scare Me & Other Excuses (A Business Owner’s Guide to Lead Like a CFO), by Josh Greenbaum.  This is a brand new author, who just happens to be a friend and colleague of mine.  It’s a quick and very digestible guide for small business owners to start looking at their business like a CFO.  

The Great Game of Business by Jack Stack.  This is not a new book but its advice on how to incentivize your team is as evergreen as it gets.  Everyone from your assistants and receptionists to your head of sales should have a stake in the bottom line and should feel empowered to make a difference.  I highly recommend this book.  

Dear Female Founder: 66 Letters of Advice from Women Entrepreneurs Who Have Made $1 Billion in Revenue by Lu Li.  From female founders to female founders - just an inspiring collection of stories.

And of course one bonus - a Netflix movie!  If you haven’t checked out Moxie by Amy Poehler yet - it’s an absolute must-see. If you have daughters, even more so.  And quite frankly for our sons too!  

Let me know what you think and what your recommendations are for a good read!


April Showers Bring May Flowers


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